[Gdal-dev] Does GeoTIFF support LocalCS?

Ray Gardener rayg at daylongraphics.com
Sun Jun 24 13:32:51 EDT 2007

Has anyone been able to use local CS with GeoTIFF? The best I can get 
GDAL to do is write an associated .tfw file out okay, but when reading 
back in, GetProjectionRef() in 1.4.1 returns

   GEOGCS["unnamed", DATUM["unknown",
    SPHEROID["unretrievable... UNITS["degrees"...

Since the units (in my case, meters) are replaced with degrees, 
intepreting a "null" geogcs as localcs doesn't help.

Does the GeoTIFF format support localcs? If so, I'd prefer to mod the 
driver to actually handle it.


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