[Gdal-dev] Warping from GTiff to JPG2000

Nicolas Ribot nicky666 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 07:13:14 EDT 2007


I'm trying to warp a geotiff image into a JPG2000, using the JP2ECW driver.
my command line is:

gdalwarp -of JP2ECW -s_srs "EPSG:4326" -t_srs "EPSG:4230"
dalle21.geo.tif dalle21.j2k

I get an error:
ERROR 5: Destination band 1 appears to be read-only.

I succceed in using gdal_translate to convert from geotiff to JP2ECW.

Is it possible to warp from geotiff to JP2 directly, or should I chain
gdalwarp and gdal_translate ?


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