[Gdal-dev] My contribution for bug squash 2007

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Fri Sep 21 14:47:02 EDT 2007


I won't join the party unfortunately. However I've looked a bit at trac and 
selected a list of bugs for which I've contributed patches and that could be 
reviewed at that occasion.
Here it is :

In relatively good shape for commiting :
#1769 : WMS driver leak when GetMap requests return unreadable results
#1721 : GTiffDataset::IBuildOverviews doest not propagate NODATA to overview 
#1527 / #1173 : Gdalwarp - GeoTiff creation option PROFILE ineffective 
(gdal_translate: tiff tags discarded with -co profile=Geotiff or Baseline)

Need more careful review :
#1758 : Creating overview on a TILED LZW GTiff fails
#1725 : [PATCH] Fixes VRT average resampling when doing 200%
#1723 : gdaladdo repeated on GTiff make image size increase
--> Submitted to libtiff mailing list. No reaction at all...
#1372 : gdaladdo does not ignore NODATA values

Best regards,

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