[Gdal-dev] Basic Pg Question

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Thu Sep 27 20:28:50 EDT 2007

>> 1) install postgis in your pg database if you have not done so 
>> already.
>> 2) Create a point geometry column in your table using 
>> AddGeometryColumn()
>> 3) Do an update with the postgis MakePoint() function (ie UPDATE table
>> SET geom = SETSRID(MakePoint(lon, lat),4326) )
>> The SETSRID(.., 4326) function is used to define the resulting
>> geometry as geographic coordinates with a WGS84 datum. If your
>> coordinate system is different, you'll need to use the proper spatial
>> reference id code.
>  thank you for the tips..
> I am a little stuck.. AddGeometryColumn() wants an SRID as "an integer 
> value reference to an entry in the SPATIAL_REF_SYS table", but the 
> SPATIAL_REF_SYS table appears to be empty after creating a new 
> spatially enabled DB from scratch.
  ok, I found another paragraph in the docs that provided enough clues 
to move forward... I just use 4326 as SRID and the right things 
happen..  I wrote the insert script using Perl and DBI, so its pretty 
easy to change and make experiments..

unfortunately, the import is WAY slower with the Update table in the 
loop, and it essentially crashed after only 10% of the rows done!  
ERROR: shared buffer has table corrupted    :(

more clues welcome

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