[gdal-dev] Convert E00 into Shape

Chris Howell chowell at pyxisinnovation.com
Fri Feb 8 23:37:23 EST 2008

Please excuse this question if it has already been answered in some way shape or form. I had difficulty finding an good answer to it on the web little alone on the GDAL site. What is the best way to convert from an E00 into a shp format. Most of what I've read suggests I need to use an avenue script however I was wondering if there was an easier way via something provided in FWTools or anything like that. Any light you anyone could shed on this issue would be must appreciated. 

Chris Howell 
Software Engineer
the PYXIS innovation - Common Ground for Digital Earth
w. www.pyxisinnovation.com
p. 613-389-6619

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