[gdal-dev] Slow access to compressed HDF4 files

Joaquim Luis jluis at ualg.pt
Tue May 27 17:44:47 EDT 2008

I reopened ticket http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2208 which reports a 
very low efficiency issue reading (some ?) hdf files

An example file can be get from

The timings below (in seconds) respect my MEX for doing gdal read inside 
Matlab. That program is called gdalread.
Hardware is a 2.5 GHz core 2 duo

Let tt.hdf = 199101.s04m1pfv50-sst-16b.hdf

tic,Z = gdalread('c:\tt.hdf');toc
elapsed_time =  21.5

However, using the internal Matlab solution one get:

tic,sst=hdfread('c:\tt.hdf', 'sst', 'index', {[1 1],[1 1], [4096 8192]});toc
elapsed_time =  0.8120

Just to show that the problem is not in "gdalread" I converted the hdf 
file to getiff (lixo.tiff), which took about 25 sec

tic,Z = gdalread('c:\lixo.tiff');toc
elapsed_time =   2.0930

The slow performance is noticeable also when fetching only the file's 

tic,Z = gdalread('c:\tt.hdf','-M');toc
elapsed_time = 1.0310

% Matlab's way
elapsed_time =  0.0310

% On the geotiff file
tic,Z = gdalread('c:\lixo.tiff','-M');toc
elapsed_time =  0.0310

Joaquim Luis

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