[gdal-dev] C# OGR and memoryproblems.

Hallgren, Johan johan.hallgren at logica.com
Fri Oct 10 00:29:47 EDT 2008


We are using ogr to create a shapefile. We user C# as the development environment. We now have a problem that the process that runs the code doesn't release references to the shapefile. It's opened and created but there is no close function I could find.

At the ogr-home-page I found OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS ); , it meybe can help me but I can't find any similar thing at the C# api.

Anyone knowing what causes that problem.


Johan Hallgren
Pelle Bergs backe 3
Box 1938, 791 19 Falun
Tel (och mobil): 023-547 46 (int: +46-2354746)
johan.hallgren at logica.com

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