[gdal-dev] Problem in using gdaltransform

Kai Behncke Kai-Behncke at gmx.de
Wed Oct 29 09:17:26 EDT 2008

Dear users,

I have got a problem using gdaltransform on Windows XP (Fwtools 2.2.6).

If I try the example from http://www.gdal.org/gdaltransform.html

using gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:28992 -t_srs EPSG:31370 177502 311865

....I always get:
ERROR 4: `177502' does not exist in the file system,
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.

....what kinds of dataset are accepted?
Is there a way to type in coordinates in the line?

Thank you very much in advance, Kai
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