[gdal-dev] 1.7 release date

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Jun 10 13:29:30 EDT 2009


1.7 release date hasn't been decided yet. There is no precise criterion to 
determine when it happens : it depends mainly on when RFC or major work 
planned by developers have been implemented. But if you look at the release 
date of previous "major" versions (1.6.0 ~ 04-Dec-2008, 1.5.0 ~ 20-Dec-2007, 
1.4.0 ~ 5-Jan-2007), you could expect 1.7.0 for the end of 2009.

Depending on the bug fix (which one are you refering to ? ticket number, SVN 
revision), it could be considered to be backported into the next maintenance 
version of the 1.6.x branch. But 1.6.1 has been released just a few weeks 
ago, so 1.6.2 won't likely be released before a few months.

Best regards,


Le Wednesday 10 June 2009 16:56:04 Matt Klaric, vous avez écrit :
> my version of 1.6.x or wait for 1.7
> to be released.  I'm not looking for an exact date, but a rough timeline: a
> week, a month, a few months, a year, etc

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