[gdal-dev] Building a Mercator Image from Un-projected data.. Major confusion and help requested.

Adam Nowacki nowak at xpam.de
Mon Nov 2 16:49:55 EST 2009

Cassanova, Bill wrote:
> result = GDALGenImgProjTransform(hTransformArg, TRUE, 1, &x, &y,
>                               NULL, &success);
> std::cout << std::fixed;
> std::cout << result << " " << lower_right.first << ", " << 
> lower_right.second << " = " << x << ", " << y << std::endl;
> *//** 1 -65.656000, 49.718600 = -0.000590, 0.000450***
> *// This is NOT Right** so apparently I am doing something wrong or not 
> understanding the concept here*

2nd argument to GDALGenImgProjTransform is TRUE so you are reprojecting 
from, not to mercator

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