Re: [gdal-dev] GDALGetProjectionRef(...) problem on filetype JPEG and BMP

Ivan ivan.lucena at
Thu Sep 17 08:21:57 EDT 2009


There is nothing wrong with that. If you gdal_translate a TIF to BMP the projection/reference will be stored on a 
.bmp.aux.xml. The question is, why in the process of creating those BMP and JPG the auxiliary files are not been 



>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: alex <sharukan at>
>  Subject: [gdal-dev] GDALGetProjectionRef(...) problem on filetype JPEG and BMP
>  Sent: Sep 17 '09 06:44
>    Good day.
>    I encountered the following problem using GDAL. GDALGetProjectionRef(...) works with file formats TIF, but 
JPG and BMP returns an empty string.
>    Used as:
>    There have been downloaded sources from
>  Sources was built using Visual Studio 2005, the utility nmake, using the command line interface.
>    Then was opened raster map file with format MapInfo by my program. MapInfo file was created by using the 
export map function of the MapInfo program.
>    I used the C API library GDAL. In the body of the program:
>  GDALDatasetH pDataset = GDALOpen("map_filename", GA_ReadOnly);
>    and
>  GDALGetGeoTransform(...) and GDALRasterIO(...)
>    Then I opened the map file and exported part of it to coordinatesof I needed.
>    It worked with the map file format map_filename.tif +, map_filename.jpg +,map_filename.bmp +
>    Then I could to get access to the map coordinates in the format .TIF using the function:
>  GDALGetProjectionRef(pDataset)
>    which returned the projection maps of the form <wkt format projection string>, as was intended.
>    But when opening files type .JPG and .BMP
>  GDALGetProjectionRef (pDataset)
>    returns an empty string "".
>    I think that the library is somehow obtains a coordinate system maps, because
>  GDALGetGeoTransform (...) work.
>    Please specify how i can get a system of map coordinates for these files are JPG and BMP and import it into an 
object of class OGRSpatialReference.
>    I apologize for my poor language skills.
>    Thank you.
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