[gdal-dev] How to extract Well Known Text Coordinate System information (WKT)..., OGR unresolved reference problem

Zermeno, Robert J CIV NAVAIR, 472100D robert.zermeno at navy.mil
Thu Apr 22 10:52:12 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I am enjoying the simplicity of GDAL with integrating with various formats.  I have two related questions.
1.  How can I simply extract individual pieces of WKT?  Meaning, The returned string from GetProjectionRef() returns a WKT format coordinate system string describing the geographical reference the image pertains to.  I would like to grab each of the components.

2. This is kind of a question:
  Instead of parsing through the XML myself, I thought GDAL already has this functionality.  I have tried to perform:

OGRSpatialReferenceH poSRS;
poSRS->GetPrimeMeridian(), but I receive an unresolved reference compile error.  This is odd to me.  I can do the GDAL API tutorial section that uses OSRSetUTM(), OSRDestroySpatialReference(), OSRExportToWKt().  
I have tried to include all main ogr.h files: ogr_api.h, ogr_spatialref.h, ogr_core.h, ... But no such luck. 

The platform I am using is Borland C++.  I compiled a dll and lib file through MSVC 2008 and used Borland coff2omf.exe to properly convert the lib file.

3.  Another question popped into mind:
When compiling, should I change option in GDALRoot/nmake.opt to comment out DLLBUILD.  I have INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS set to "YES".  What would you think I'm missing.
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