[gdal-dev] Naive warping question

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Tue Dec 21 15:13:40 EST 2010

Hi All-
   I have a series of tiffs, georef'd in 4326, which side by side cover 
 >1000 km at latitude 38
California from the coast past the borders

   I warped them all to 3310 using gdalwarp with default settings..
However, the resulting images appear to leave a sliver between them
In other words, they are *not* complete coverage of the area covered
  in the original tiffs. This is unexpected to me..

Is this expected results?
How can I be sure to get complete coverage in the resulting set of 
re-projected tiffs?


Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
(415) 717-4462 cell

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