[gdal-dev] FWTools 2.4.7 ogr2org How to convert CSV to SQLite table

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 07:07:05 EST 2010

OK. Sorry
This is the error,

Unable to open datasource `harvest.sqlite' with the following drivers.
  -> ESRI Shapefile
  -> MapInfo File
  -> UK .NTF
  -> SDTS
  -> TIGER
  -> S57
  -> DGN
  -> VRT
  -> REC
  -> Memory
  -> BNA
  -> CSV
  -> NAS
  -> GML
  -> GPX
  -> KML
  -> GeoJSON
  -> Interlis 1
  -> Interlis 2
  -> GMT
  -> SQLite
  -> ODBC
  -> PGeo
  -> OGDI
  -> PostgreSQL
  -> MySQL
  -> XPlane
  -> AVCBin
  -> AVCE00
  -> DXF
  -> Geoconcept
  -> GeoRSS
  -> GPSTrackMaker
  -> VFK

On 2/11/10, Chaitanya kumar CH <chaitanya.ch at gmail.com> wrote:
> Noli,
> There must have been some error message. What did you get?

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