Re: [gdal-dev] Oracle GeoRaster is not setting setModelSRID ?

Ivan Lucena ivan.lucena at
Fri Jul 9 18:42:06 EDT 2010

>  If I run gdalinfo "C:\mymodel" I can see

What format is that or which GDAL driver is reading it?

>  Coordinate System is:
>  PROJCS["OSGB 1936 / British National Grid",

What comes after?

A complete gdalinfo report would help.

>  then, loading the model into Oracle with
>  gdal_translate -of georaster "C:\mymodel"
>  georaster:user/password,db,geoserver.ARCVIEWGRID,georaster -co
>  MDSYS.SDO_GEORASTER)" -co "INSERT=VALUES(1,'West fields',
>  SDO_GEOR.INIT())" -co "BLOCKXSIZE=512" -co "BLOCKYSIZE=512" -co
>  and fixing manually the XML (it is not valid as it has an extra NODATA
>  in the wrong place)

Did it reported any warning?

>  I've discovered that the ModelSRID has not been set... and therefore I
>  had to set it manually (sdo_geor.setModelSRID(grobj, 81989); where
>  81989 is BGN)
>  is is working as expected ?

That is a trick question. It all depends on the WKT content that comes from the source dataset. If it has EPSG authority code and that code is supported by Oracle Spatial it might work. 

>  is there any way to set it automatically ?

You can use -co SRID=81989 to assigned that SRID to the GeoRaster object.

>  thanks
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