[gdal-dev] Re: srs definition for wgs84

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Thu May 13 08:02:05 EDT 2010

Peter J Halls <P.Halls <at> york.ac.uk> writes:

> Imran,
>     the Oracle SRID value of 8192 *is* WGS84.  Oracle does not store the EPSG 
> values, but has its own set.  

Starting from Oracle 10g or something it supports also EPSG codes. Old codes are
still supported by Oracle but other programs usually do not understand Oracle
SRID codes. Fortunately they are no more needed. But I think that the correct
way to give target SRID with ogr Oracle driver is not to use -a_srs but the
Layer Creation Option -lco SRID=4326.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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