[gdal-dev] gdal_merge and HFA band statistics

Matt Hanneman matt at globalforestwatch.ca
Fri Nov 19 14:06:07 EST 2010

Can anyone tell me why the option 'STATISTICS=YES' works when using 
gdal_translate to translate from TIF to HFA (Erdas Imagine), but will 
NOT work when using gdal_merge to stack multiple TIFs into HFA? I need 
ArcMap to read the statistics, but it doesnt seem that they are being 
written to the file. I find this strange because ArcMap can identify the 
Stats when an HFA image is created with gdal_translate.

I am using GDAL version 1.7.3

Here is an example of the code I am using:

gdal_merge -o "output.img" -of HFA -co STATISTICS=YES -co 
FORCETOPESTRING=YES -separate -v "image1.tif" "image2.tif" "image3.tif"

"image1.tif" "image1.img"

Thanks for any advise.



*Matt Hanneman*
Director of GISand Remote Sensing
Global Forest Watch Canada
10337 146 St, Edmonton, AB T5N 3A3
Tel: 780-422-5989 Fax: 780-454-5521
www.globalforestwatch.ca <http://www.globalforestwatch.ca/>


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