[gdal-dev] On-the-fly reprojection using the OGR VRT driver?

Homme Zwaagstra hrz at geodata.soton.ac.uk
Thu Dec 22 05:01:23 EST 2011


I'm interested in performing on-the-fly coordinate transformations of
OGR data sources using the Virtual Format (VRT) driver. That is,
producing a file that is the vector equivalent of:

gdalwarp -of VRT -t_srs "+init=epsg:4326" input.tif transformed.vrt

I understand ogr2ogr cannot do this but am wondering if the vector
version of `transformed.vrt` can be created manually?

Having looked at the source code it looks like the answer will be no
;) - if this is the case is there be a reason not to file an
enhancement request for this functionality?

Best Regards,


Homme Zwaagstra
GeoData Institute
University of Southampton

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