[gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Sep 7 17:08:11 EDT 2011

Le mercredi 07 septembre 2011 22:49:58, Etienne Tourigny a écrit :
> Thanks for the info Even
> I can see that there is not yet "One standard to rule them all"...
> Correct me if I am wrong: is WKT the preferred way GDAL stores the
> information?

I'd say that WKT serves as a pivot representation of SRS within GDAL/OGR. An 
OGRSpatialReference object can be bijectively represented as a WKT string 
(because the OGRSpatialReference object is really a tree representation build 
from the parsing of the WKT string).

But behind that apparent simplicity, there are often a lot of transformations 
implied because few formats natively "speak" WKT. You have the Geotiff way, the 
MapInfo way, the PCIDSK way, the USGS way (used HDF4, NDF and FAST drivers for 
example), the ERMapper way, etc etc. You have also the ESRI WKT that must be 
morphed from/to GDAL WKT... And the netCDF CF way ;-)

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