[gdal-dev] RPC Transform Error: ERROR 1: latitude or longitude exceeded limits

Dmitry Baryshnikov polimax at mail.ru
Sat Apr 7 16:30:54 EDT 2012

08.04.2012 0:08, Claire Porter ???????:
> I sometimes get the error message "ERROR 1: latitude or longitude 
> exceeded limits" when using gdalwarp with Quickbird, Worldview and 
> Geoeye images using RPCs, both with and without a DEM.  Sometimes I 
> also get the error message "ERROR 1: Too many points (441 out of 441) 
> failed to transform, unable to compute output bounds".  Both errors 
> suggest that the RPC transformations are not working, sometimes often 
> enough for the process to completely fail and sometimes enough only to 
> make the output extent really bogus.
> Using the config option CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=TRUE does not help.  
> Nor does setting the center long with the CENTER_LONG config option.  
> Nor does using WGS84 as the target coordinate system.  When I run 
> gdalwarp with --debug on, I get up to 88,000 lines like these:
> RPC: Iterations 10: Got: 153.057,-43.5705  Offset=-88416.5,407.11
> RPC: Iterations 10: Got: 34.9369,156.643  Offset=-328767,-402.914
> ERROR 1: latitude or longitude exceeded limits
> I am a python coder, not a C++ guru, but looking through the 
> underlying code it seems that even after the maximum 10 iterations the 
> RPC inverse transform cannot get close to the correct pixel/line value 
> (see the function RPCInverseTransformPoint).  Any ideas what is wrong 
> with these RPCs?
> My images are almost entirely in polar regions (above 60 and below 
> -60), but not near the poles themselves.  Only about 5% of the images 
> fail.  I am running on both the 1.8 gdal build for OSGeo4w and also on 
> a 1.9 linux build made by our Sys Admin.  Both builds have the same 
> error.   The images will orthorectify correctly using ERDAS.  I can 
> provide debug output files and sample images if necessary.
> Example syntax: gdalwarp --debug ON -t_srs EPSG:3031 -rpc -to 
> "RPC_DEM=y:/dem/RAMPv2_osu91a200m.tif" 
> QB02_05OCT222204548-M1BS-10100100049A4300.ntf QB02_10oct22_3031.tif
> Thank you,
> Claire
> -- 
> Claire Porter
> Remote Sensing Scientist
> Polar Geospatial Center
> University of Minnesota
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Try to play with *-wo *paremeters 

gdalwarp --debug ON -t_srs EPSG:3031 -rpc -to 
"RPC_DEM=y:/dem/RAMPv2_osu91a200m.tif"-wo SOURCE_EXTRA=5 -wo 
SAMPLE_STEPS=101 QB02_05OCT222204548-M1BS-10100100049A4300.ntf 


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