[gdal-dev] Call for discussion for "RFC38 - OGR Faster Open"

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat Apr 14 16:11:27 EDT 2012


This is a call for discussion for "RFC38 - OGR Faster Open" :



It is proposed that the OGR datasource opening mechanism relies on the 
GDALOpenInfo class, already used by GDAL drivers, to speed-up datasource 
opening. The speed-up is due to the fact that the file passed to OGROpen() will 
be opened and stat'ed only once, whereas currently, it is opened and closed as 
many times as there are OGR drivers. This should be particularly beneficial for 
network filesystems, or when trying to open a file that is not a OGR datasource 
at all.

E.g., trying to open a file that is not a OGR datasource currently requires 45 
file opening or stat operations :

$ strace ogrinfo -ro NEWS 2>&1 | grep NEWS | wc -l

It is expected that if/once all drivers are migrated, it will decrease to 2 
operations only. 

Best regards,


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