[gdal-dev] Compiling libCurl with GDAL v1.9

Paul Meems bontepaarden at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 04:12:01 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm trying (again) to compile GDAL with libCurl support.
I'm on Windows using VS2008Pro.
I'm using GDALv1.9.

I went to this page http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/LibCurl
On this page a link is provided to a package.
That link is no longer working.

So I tried looking for the package myself.
I've downloaded curl-7.27.0-ssl-sspi-zlib-static-bin-w32.zip from
fossies.org and curl-7.27.0-devel-mingw32.zip from haxx.se both both don't
have the needed lib files.

So my question is:
How to obtain the correct libCurl package?



 *Paul Meems *
Release manager, configuration manager
and forum moderator of MapWindow GIS.

Owner of MapWindow.nl - Support for
Dutch speaking users.

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