[gdal-dev] frmt_wms_googlemaps_tms.xml help ...

Mario Cavicchi cavicchi at ferrara.linux.it
Wed Dec 5 09:48:30 PST 2012

Hi folks,
Maybe this question is old, but I don't find an answer on Internet.
If I perform this command:

gdal_translate -outsize 50% 50% -of GTiff -projwin 1299378.2102987265 
5588829.1661406181 1299486.6170906540 5588715.6742054483 
frmt_wms_googlemaps_tms.xml tempfile.tif

the image obtained is perfect in term of area of interest, but the 
georeference is wrong if I open the image with ENVI.
I think that it is caused for the "Google Maps Global Mercator", but I 
don't know how I can convert the projection to (for example) an UTM 
projection or something else. I tried to reproject using gdalwarp:

gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=32 +datum=wgs84" tempfile.tif 

but, still wrong georeference.

Someone can help me?


[ Web Info: http://members.ferrara.linux.it/cavicchi ]

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