[gdal-dev] Tamas' GDAL/OGR windows installer as NuGet package

Felix Obermaier obe at IVV-AACHEN.DE
Thu Dec 20 02:54:12 PST 2012

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let the dotNet developers know that I've packaged the binaries provided by Tamas Szekeres (http://www.gisinternals.com/sdk) for use with NuGet (http://www.nuget.org/).

You can get the package following the instructions provided here: http://nuget.org/packages/GDAL. Don't let the version number confuse you, the content of the package is GDAL v1.9.1.
There is also a GDAL.Plugins package available. The packages contain both x86 and x64 unmanaged binaries, the managed assemblies are taken from the x64 compilation since they target AnyCPU.

To Use the package you have to call GdalConfiguration.ConfigureGdal() or GdalConfiguration.ConfigureOgr() prior to using the wrapper classes. Depending on IntPtr.Size the configuration code points to either directory. It sets up the whole GDAL environment (as I've needed it so far).

Comments, suggestions are most certainly welcome.

Felix Obermaier

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