[gdal-dev] gdalwarp question - probably pretty simple

David Strip gdal at stripfamily.net
Thu Nov 22 21:40:28 PST 2012

I've got a geotiff which gdalinfo reports as 2 bands, with band 2 
interpreted as alpha. The projection is Maryland State Plane. The color 
table is paletted, with NO_DATA = 0
I can view this file in OpenEV with no problem
I call
     gdalwarp -t "WGS84" input.tif output.tif
When I open the resulting file in OpenEV, I see nothing, the screen 
appears to remain black. When I move the cursor around, it reports the 
value as NO DATA.

I thought this might have something to do with the alpha band, so I 
added - dstalpha. This produces
     ERROR 6: SetColorTable() not supported for multi-sample images
It still completes and produces a file, but gdalinfo doesn't report 
band2 as alpha, and I still get a blank view in OpenEV.

I suspect I'm missing something quite basic, but I'm not seeing any 
obvious command option.


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