[gdal-dev] GEOS Ver 3.3.5 and GDAL Ver 1.91

Martin Chapman chapmanm at pixia.com
Wed Sep 5 13:04:25 PDT 2012

I love this user group.  Thanks Even!

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Even Rouault [mailto:even.rouault at mines-paris.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 1:59 PM
To: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Cc: Martin Chapman
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] GEOS Ver 3.3.5 and GDAL Ver 1.91

Le mercredi 05 septembre 2012 21:33:57, Martin Chapman a écrit :
> All,
> I am trying to compile GDAL 1.91 with GEOS version 3.3.5 on windows 7
> x64 and the nmake.opt file does not seem to match the directory
> structure of the latest GEOS.  Am I missing something simple?  Any
> help is much appreciated.

The template in nmake.opt probably matches an older GEOS version. You have 
to make a few minor changes. Basically GEOS_CFLAGS must point to the 
location where geos_c.h is, and GEOS_LIB to the location where geos_c_i.lib 

Please report the working setup once you managed to make it compile and 
link, so that nmake.opt can be updated with something more up-to-date.

> Muchos gracias,
> Martin

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