[gdal-dev] ogr.GeometryTypeToName oddness

Mike Toews mwtoews at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 19:08:02 PDT 2013

With the Python module for GDAL 1.9.2 for Python 2.7, Windows 64-bit,
downloaded from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#gdal I see
this oddness:

from osgeo import ogr
for name in dir(ogr):
    if name.startswith('wkb'):
        i = getattr(ogr, name)
        print('%s : %d : %r' % (name, i, ogr.GeometryTypeToName(i)))

wkb25Bit : -2147483648 : 'Unknown (any)'
wkb25DBit : -2147483648 : 'Unknown (any)'
wkbGeometryCollection : 7 : '3D Geometry Collection'
wkbGeometryCollection25D : -2147483641 : 'Geometry Collection'
wkbLineString : 2 : '3D Line String'
wkbLineString25D : -2147483646 : 'Line String'
wkbLinearRing : 101 : 'Unrecognised: 101'
wkbMultiLineString : 5 : '3D Multi Line String'
wkbMultiLineString25D : -2147483643 : 'Multi Line String'
wkbMultiPoint : 4 : '3D Multi Point'
wkbMultiPoint25D : -2147483644 : 'Multi Point'
wkbMultiPolygon : 6 : '3D Multi Polygon'
wkbMultiPolygon25D : -2147483642 : 'Multi Polygon'
wkbNDR : 1 : '3D Point'
wkbNone : 100 : 'None'
wkbPoint : 1 : '3D Point'
wkbPoint25D : -2147483647 : 'Point'
wkbPolygon : 3 : '3D Polygon'
wkbPolygon25D : -2147483645 : 'Polygon'
wkbUnknown : 0 : '3D Unknown (any)'
wkbXDR : 0 : '3D Unknown (any)'

A few observations:

 - The 2D geometries (e.g. wkbLineString) are reported as 3D
geometries by ogr.GeometryTypeToName(), but this is false.
Furthermore, other OGR documents refer to these geometries as so
called 2.5D geometries, and not true 3D geometries.

- The 2.5D geometries (e.g. wkbLineString25D) are simply reported as
their geometry type, and no mention of dimensions.

It seems the "3D " name prepending logic is reversed.


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