[gdal-dev] Error when appending non-spatial tables in GML to PostGIS

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Nov 26 05:55:43 PST 2013

Selon Matt Walker <walkermatt at longwayaround.org.uk>:

> Hi,
> I'm loading some Ordnance Survey ITN GML data into PostgreSQL 9.1 / PostGIS
> 1.5 which contains a number of feature types that are lookups without any
> geometry, the first file loads fine but loading subsequent files using the
> ogr2ogr -append option fails with the error:
>     ERROR 1: Layer road already exists, CreateLayer failed.
>     Use the layer creation option OVERWRITE=YES to replace it.
> I'm finding that the gfs file generated by OGR sets the geometry type to
> 100 (no geometry), manually editing the gfs file to remove the GeometryType
> element for the lookup feature types works around the error but creates a
> redundant geometry column and an entry in geometry_columns.
> I've put further details and two sample gml files containing a single
> "feature" in each here: https://gist.github.com/walkermatt/7655745
> Happy to create at ticket if it's appropriate.

You probably need to add "--config PG_LIST_ALL_TABLES YES" on the command line
so that the table without geometry is correctly loaded (after it has been
created). By default only registered spatial tables are recognized. See
The .gfs hack is likely unnecessary.

> Thanks,
> Matt
> --
> Matt Walker
> Astun Technology
> @_walkermatt

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