[gdal-dev] WAsP map output for ogr

Vincent Mora vincent.mora at oslandia.com
Tue Feb 25 04:21:43 PST 2014


I'd like to develop a ogr driver to create .map files used by WAsP

The .map files contains height contours and roughness zones, the former
are linestrings with an height attribute, the later are linestrings that
separate two adjacent polygons with a roughness parameter on the righ
and left sides.

An algorithm to create roughness zones from polygons with a roughness
attribute would be useful: extract the polygon boundaries and output
linestrings with attributes on the left and right sides.

What driver would you recommend as a starting point to get the
interface, the coding style and the error handling right ?

Is the algorithm to create roughness zones from polygons (i.e. extract
polygon boundaries and add left/right attributes) something that should
be integrated in the driver, somewhere else or not at all in gdal ?



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