[gdal-dev] gdalwarp _ RPC_DEM ignored ?

alain Sauter alain.sauter at univ-paris1.fr
Tue Mar 18 12:54:49 PDT 2014

Hi all,

I am trying to orthorectify a couple of aerial photos using gdalwarp, 
but i am stuck with the /-to /transformer option. I have seen in archive 
two request concerning this issue, but without any answer for now... so 
hope this 3rd will have a reply ;)

materials :
scan of an old aerial photo, without fly info and, of course, without 
projection, tif format
Dem of the region, tif format

what i've done :
using qgis georeferencer to grab some GPC's on the aerial photo
using gdal_translate to insert GPC's in the aerial photo

what i've try :

using gdalwarp to transform, rectify and project the aerial photo with :
/gdalwarp -to RPC_DEM=dem.tif -t_srs=EPSG:2154 input.tif output.tif/

my file is transformed and projected but not rectified. Option /-to 
RPC_DEM /is ignored by gdalwarp, even if I write wrong option like /-to 

/Am i doing something wrong ?

thanks for reply

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