[gdal-dev] OGR support for Interlis 2 - Geometry issue

sameer.sheikh at wetransform.to sameer.sheikh at wetransform.to
Fri Jun 19 01:55:15 PDT 2015

I am trying to read the interlis 2 data (.xtf file) into my application using GDAL/OGR library.  The application could read feature and field definitions but unable to read the Geometry. e.g. ogr.GeometryTypeToName( featDefn.GetGeomType() ) returning "Unknown (any)" and Geometry reference as null.
It would be really helpful if somebody can share comments on this.
P.S. : I tried to visualize the data using QGIS with Interlis 2 plugin, I am able to see the Geometry.

Regards,Sameer Sheikh
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