[gdal-dev] No IDATs written into file

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Sat Nov 14 08:46:47 PST 2015

I'm using the Translate function to clip tiles from a larger raster 
using Perl bindings. I'm clipping into PNG files.

This is in a web service environment, i.e., several workers listening to 
a client. The Translate fails in pngwrite.c, in png_write_end with error 
"No IDATs written into file".

The script works fine when I have only one worker.

I have tried writing the file into file system, VSI file system, etc. 
The error is the same. The output seems to be consistently 33 bytes 
long, i.e., only the header I guess.

I'm using unique file names.

Any ideas?


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