[gdal-dev] vector drivers with mixed topology types in a single layer?

Michael Sumner mdsumner at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 03:25:24 PST 2016

Hi there, is there an easy way to discover which formats allow mixing of
vector types in a single layer?

I.e. a single layer MapInfo file with points, lines, and polygons - I know
there is MapInfo (tab) and MapInfo (mif) and GeoJSON,

I'd also like to know what drivers can present as a single data set but
with these types separated into different layers, like SDTS.

I consider the multiple shapefiles in one folder feature to be a somewhat
different, third case.

Is there a clear way to categorize these three kinds, and classify all
existing drivers this way?

Am I on the right track, or is it more complicated?

Cheers, Mike.

Dr. Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
203 Channel Highway
Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia
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