[gdal-dev] supportive data files for re-projection

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jun 15 10:13:51 PDT 2016

Le mercredi 15 juin 2016 18:27:33, Trajce Nikolov NICK a écrit :
> Hi Community,
> I am new in town ;-). But using gdal for a decade or so. Never been in
> situation as now, when I have to filter the data/files that come with gdal
> for the installer of the software from our company.
> There are bunch of files located in the gdal/data folder and I need to know
> which are the ones that are needed for re-projecting of source files
> (elevation, vector files)

Foreword notice: you break the warranty by cherry picking some of the data 
Foreword notice 2: GDAL comes without any warranty (unless you pay a service 

That said, those ones should be sufficient :

$ grep CSVFilename ogr/ogr_fromepsg.cpp
    const char *pszFilename = CSVFilename( "unit_of_measure.csv" );
    const char *uom_filename = CSVFilename( "unit_of_measure.csv" );
    const char *pszFilename = CSVFilename("gcs.override.csv");
        pszFilename = CSVFilename("gcs.csv");
    const char *PM_FILENAME = CSVFilename("prime_meridian.csv");
    const char  *pszFilename = CSVFilename("gcs.override.csv");
        pszFilename = CSVFilename("gcs.csv");
        CPLAtof(CSVGetField( CSVFilename("ellipsoid.csv" ),
    const int nUOMLength = atoi(CSVGetField( CSVFilename("ellipsoid.csv" ),
            CPLAtof(CSVGetField( CSVFilename("ellipsoid.csv" ),
                CPLAtof(CSVGetField( CSVFilename("ellipsoid.csv" ),
            CPLStrdup(CSVGetField( CSVFilename("ellipsoid.csv" ),
    CPLString osFilename = CSVFilename( "pcs.override.csv" );
        osFilename = CSVFilename( "pcs.csv" );
    const char *pszFilename = CSVFilename( "pcs.override.csv" );
        pszFilename = CSVFilename( "pcs.csv" );
    const char *pszFilename = CSVFilename( "coordinate_axis.csv" );
    const char  *pszFilename = CSVFilename( "vertcs.override.csv" );
        pszFilename = CSVFilename( "vertcs.csv" );
//    pszFilename = CSVFilename( "compdcs.override.csv" );
    const char  *pszFilename = CSVFilename( "compdcs.csv" );
//    pszFilename = CSVFilename( "compdcs.override.csv" );
    const char *pszFilename = CSVFilename( "geoccs.csv" );
    if( CSVScanFileByName( CSVFilename( "gcs.csv" ),
                  CSVFilename( "gcs.csv" ) );
        atoi( CSVGetField( CSVFilename( "stateplane.csv" ),

gdal_datum.csv might also be needed for shapefiles

If you just need to handle a few projections, you could strip much of the 
information from the above files, but that requires some knowledge...

( you may also need the grids from proj.4 data files )


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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