[gdal-dev] GDAL WMTS Driver - How do you control the Tile Matrix Set's Tile Level?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Nov 7 08:40:05 PST 2016

Le lundi 07 novembre 2016 17:32:34, esacree a écrit :
> I am trying to generate a WMTS Service Request XML file in C++ code for the
> GDAL_WMTS driver in GDAL 2.1.

As you don't provide us with any code snippet, this is just guessing of what 
you might be doing, but I suppose you are doing something like

RasterIO( 0, 0, rasterxsize, rasterysize, .., rasterxsize, rasterysize)

which requests the dataset at full resolution.

2 options  :
 * specify a smaller size for the buffer dimensions :
 RasterIO( 0, 0, rasterxsize, rasterysize, .., bufferxsize,  bufferysize)

 * use GDALRasterBand::GetOverview() to get an overview band and issue 
RasterIO() on it.

They are more or less equivalent. Option 1) will use option 2) internally.

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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