[gdal-dev] GPKG: CREATE TABLE AS not working as expected

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Dec 28 09:41:04 PST 2017

On jeudi 28 décembre 2017 17:40:18 CET Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm trying to do this on latest ogr2ogr build:
> ogrinfo -al -dialect sqlite -sql "CREATE TABLE sorted AS SELECT * FROM
> mytable ORDER BY ST_GeoHash(ST_Transform(ST_Envelope(geom), 4326), 10)"
> test.gpkg
> The command runs without a problem, but the final table doesn't contain
> any content in geometry column... Even a slimmed down example with
> "CREATE TABLE test AS SELECT * FROM mytable;" doesn't work as expected.
> Can someone give me a tip on how to get CREATE TABLE AS up and running?

CREATE TABLE will bypass most driver-level logic that is needed for a spatial table to be 
properly recognized as such. You could fix that by manually registering the table in 
gpkg_contents and gpkg_geometry_columns table, but the most simple way of 
accomplishing what you want to do is:

ogr2ogr -update test.gpkg test.gpkg -sql "SELECT ..." -nln sorted


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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