[gdal-dev] GDAL 2.1.3 release candiate

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sat Jan 21 08:36:06 PST 2017

On 01/21/2017 05:31 PM, Greg Troxel wrote:
> I couldn't find how to run tests (which I am assuming exist);
> there was not a test or check target.   I didn't find a README in th
> sources, and the wiki info which I did find pointed to by docs doesn't
> mention running tests.

https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/TestingNotes documents:

 The primary means of testing is to run the gdalautotest python
 regression test suite. After building with either the old or new
 generation python bindings, and installing them (or adding them to
 your path from the build tree) do the following:

 % svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/trunk/autotest
 % cd autotest
 % ./run_all.py

Kind Regards,


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