[gdal-dev] WCS driver work

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 07:41:16 PST 2017

I've got very close to being able to get valid data (visual comparison 
in QGIS) from various server types and WCS versions.

I've documented the results here: 

It seems that I need eight option flags to cover all cases. Mostly the 
problems are with CRS that have inverted axis order. Also it seems to be 
a problem if the server or the standard does not support requesting 
directly tiles of specific size. It is especially a problem since GDAL 
fails the call if the size is not expected.

The only combination that I have not yet managed to get to work is 
GeoServer with version 1.1 and inverted axis order. I can get a decent 
response but the returned geotiff has slightly wrong size (59x38 instead 
of 60x38). The problematic call is below[1].

Also, I have/know only a few servers and I lack some combinations; I've 
also found a server with a combination that I've managed to test ok, but 
whose behavior I can't yet explain[2].

I'm writing documentation and test code but the latter will still take 
some time to be ready for the trunk.

The code is at https://github.com/ajolma/gdal/tree/trunk/gdal/frmts/wcs

I've also made one ticket regarding port code 




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