[gdal-dev] OpenEx not found - gdal_edit.py

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Sep 8 02:49:59 PDT 2017

On vendredi 8 septembre 2017 02:13:42 CEST Asmita Amol Wankhede wrote:
> Enviroment /OS -
> Ubuntu 16.04  - gdal 2.1.2 already installed with Python2.7 used to build
> gdal 2.1.2 when installed bundled with the code :
> '--with-python=%s '
> where s% is gdal_env['python_bin'],
> Trying to execute gdal_edit.py (or gdal2tiles.py, gdal_retile.py etc.) ,
> fails to find osgeo module. ImportError: No module named osgeo
> Fix1:  sudo apt-get install python-gdal

This has certainly install the python bindings for GDAL 1.11, which is the default on 16.04

You likely need to adjust the PYTHONPATH to point where the python bindings of your 2.1.2 
builds have been installed

Or alternatively just add the
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntu/ppa to your APT sources and use 
uptodate GDAL from it.

> This fixed the issue of osgeo, but specifically, when I am trying to run
> gdal_edit.py ,it does not find some of the methods from 2.1.2
> RUN gdal_edit.py
> /opt/google/bin/gdal_edit.py -a_srs EPSG:3857 RGB-corrected.tif
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/opt/google/bin/gdal_edit.py", line 274, in <module>
>     sys.exit(gdal_edit(sys.argv))
>   File "/opt/google/bin/gdal_edit.py", line 191, in gdal_edit
>     ds = gdal.OpenEx(datasetname, gdal.OF_RASTER | gdal.OF_UPDATE,
> open_options = open_options)
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'OpenEx'
> OpenEx is part of 2.1.2 as I remember , please confirm how to check if I
> installed correct version of python-gdal

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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