[gdal-dev] layer union returns a geometry collection

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 02:32:02 PST 2018


The documentation(1) says "The result layer contains features whose 
geometries represent areas that are either in the input layer, in the 
method layer, or in both.". I assume you a polygon in the input layer B 
which has a common singular point and common area with a polygon in layer C.


(1) http://gdal.org/classOGRLayer.html#adf0598c7dab1f4dbe3e2735e27450c9c

On 12.02.2018 11:58, Matthew Snape wrote:
> Hello,
> I am performing a union of two layers using OGR from Python…
> layerA.Union(layerB, layerC,["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES",])
> This returns a layer composed of multipolygon’s  except for a single 
> geometrycollection in the form…
> GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2610469.66 3325023.52),POLYGON 
> ((2610439.3657 3325014.925899999……….
> Is this expected behaviour, and if so what is it showing?
> Any help appreciated
> Thank you.
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