[gdal-dev] Issue with OCI driver

jratike80 jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Feb 6 23:38:29 PST 2019


What I tried to say in my mail yesterday was that OCI driver may be a bit
different than for example PostGIS driver and it does not capture the -t_srs
parameter from ogr2ogr. Did you try my suggestion to add "-lco SRID=4326"?
Now if -t_srs cannot be utilised and if you did not use the OCI driver
specific SRID=4326 option then you will have data in Oracle in an undefined

Reload your data and check with ogrinfo that GDAL can find the correct SRS
from your Oracle table. It is more convenient to reload into a new table
because if you use the same name for the table you must first drop the old
table and also remove the corresponding line from the USER_SDO_METADATA
table manually on the Oracle side before having a new try.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

san619 wrote
> But when i tried with postgresql and mssql spatial driver.I successfully
> transformed the projections without mentioning -s srs i just used -t _srs
> it
> was successful.
> i used the command *ogr2ogr -f "GEOJSON" "PROPERTY_VIEW.json"
> "MSSQL:Server=***,1433;uid=**;pwd=****;database=***" -t_srs EPSG:4326 -sql
> "SELECT * from dbo.colorado_poi" -overwrite*
> and the transformation was successful.But when i tried the same thing with
> oci driver im getting error.What could be the reason.Or Is it possible to
> get the source datum of the table by using any command in gdal.
> Or is there any way to set the source datum while uploading the shapefile.

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