[gdal-dev] Speeding up gdalwarp process

lars.schylberg at blixtmail.se lars.schylberg at blixtmail.se
Fri Jan 24 04:42:22 PST 2020

I have used gnu parallel with good results. A description can be found here:

https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/217814/full-utilization-of-cpu-cores-with-gdalwarp (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/217814/full-utilization-of-cpu-cores-with-gdalwarp)
/Lars Schylberg

24 januari 2020 kl. 02:31, "Simon" <twinbirds at protonmail.com (mailto:twinbirds at protonmail.com?to=%22Simon%22%20<twinbirds at protonmail.com>)> skrev:
Hi gdal-devs, 
I have a question, if there is some way to use gdalwarp in a clustering system (e.g., Sparks) or with GPU to speed up the process? My task involves re-projection and re-sampling of hundreds of high-resolution images. Any ideas to make use of Sparks or GPU is welcomed. Thank you. 
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