[gdal-dev] Fw: Building GDAL with ECW support

pteroglossus at pm.me pteroglossus at pm.me
Fri Feb 5 17:38:39 PST 2021

Regarding the compilation of GRASS: pointing to my existing install of GDAL prior the compiling process did not work. So I followed Richard's advice and restarted the whole process of compiling GDAL, without the --prefix, then configured and compiled GRASS, and it worked!

I mean I was able to start GRASS GIS, but it won't import my .ecw:

"r.import input=/media/k/Data/Data/Perso/Carto/SCAN50_2012.ecw output=SCAN50_2012
ERROR: Unable to open datasource </media/k/Data/Data/Perso/Carto/SCAN50_2012.ecw>
ERROR: Unable to open datasource </media/k/Data/Data/Perso/Carto/SCAN50_2012.ecw>
ERROR: Unable to read GDAL dataset </media/k/Data/Data/Perso/Carto/SCAN50_2012.ecw>"

+ an additional Dialog Box :"Unable to determine number of raster bands"

Gdalinfo is however able to get info from the file and gdal_translate to convert it, which necessarily means my installation has worked!

Any ideas?

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