[gdal-dev] Lightweight GIS CMS recommendations?

Stefan Gofferje lists at home.gofferje.net
Mon Feb 21 09:28:13 PST 2022


Here is my second question of the day... Is there any _lightweight_ GIS 
CMS? Something where I just upload some resource and it's added to a 
Leaflet map or something like that? I'm not opposed to knitting 
something myself with NodeJS but I thought, I ask, just in case.
I have found GeoNode but that seems to be a monster and needs a 
GeoServer backend (eeeks, Java...). I also found Sahana and Ushahidi - 
which both look cool, especially for another project I have on my 
wishlist - but they also don't seem overly lightweight and there don't 
seem to be any well-maintained and documented docker images.


  (o_   Stefan Gofferje            | SCLT, MCP, CCSA
  //\   Reg'd Linux User #247167   | VCP #2263
  V_/_  https://www.gofferje.net   | https://www.saakeskus.fi

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