[gdal-dev] OSM extract: Too many different keys in file

Schmetzer, Tobias Tobias.Schmetzer at zae-bayern.de
Fri May 13 00:47:06 PDT 2022

Dear GDAL dev team,

I am not sure if I am following a wrong approach, if there is an issue with the osm driver, the distributed OSM file or if the error message is just ambiguous and could be improved.

I used ogr2ogr to select 12 keys to be extracted as polygons along with something around 40 conditions. The algorithm had worked well on a tiny OSM file with the city of Munich so tested it I on a small sample area of 1°x1° on the global planet OSM file:

ogr2ogr -spat 10 45 11 46 -f gpkg c:\daten\osm_planet\1x1.gpkg c:\daten\osm_planet\planet-220502.osm.pbf multipolygons -select "name,aeroway,amenity,building,historic,landuse,leisure,military,office,tourism,shop,landuse " -where @ogr2ogr_condition.txt

The first 70% were reached after one hour but then the process slowed down and after 19 hours I got an error message:
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.ERROR 1: Too many different keys in file

If this is because one or more features exceed the maximum amount of doable keys, is the officially by OSM distributed file wrong or too large to be processed by ogr2ogr or what's the matter? I tried to read the relevant source code file where the error message occurs but it's too cryptic to me.

Content of ogr2ogr_condition.txt for the sake of completeness:
historic is null and
                office is not null or
                building='hotel' or
                building='hospital' or
                building='apartments' or
                building='barracks' or
                building='dormitory' or
                building='warehouse' or
                building='monastery' or
                building='public' or
                building='hangar' or

                tourism='guest_house' or
                tourism='apartment' or
                tourism='hostel' or
                tourism='museum' or
                tourism='gallery' or
                tourism='motel' or
                tourism='hotel' or

                amenity='university' or
                amenity='research_institute' or
                amenity='social_facility' or
                amenity='school' or
                amenity='kindergarten' or
                amenity='kindergarden' or
                amenity='exhibition centre' or
                amenity='student_accommodation' or
                amenity='library' or
                amenity='clinic' or
                amenity='hospital' or
                amenity='public_building' or
                amenity='concert_hall' or
                amenity='prison' or
                amenity='theatre' or
                amenity='courthouse' or

                aeroway='terminal' or

                shop='mall' or
                military='base' or
                military='barracks' or
                military='office' or

                landuse='education' or
                landuse='commercial' or

I'd be grateful for any hints and glad to contribute to any error message improval if indicated.

Kind regards, Tobias Schmetzer

ZAE Bayern
Tobias Schmetzer, Dipl. Ing.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Systementwicklung | Scientific Staff Member Systems Engineering
Bereich Energiespeicherung| Division Energy Storage

Walther-Meißner-Str. 6
85748 Garching

Tel.: +49 89 329442-65
Fax: +49 89 329442-12
tobias.schmetzer at zae-bayern.de<mailto:tobias.schmetzer at zae-bayern.de>

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