[gdal-dev] Is there a way to create a spatial index in FGB if created without?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Nov 24 10:31:11 PST 2022

Le 24/11/2022 à 19:18, michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com a écrit :
> I don’t believe these are huge features, its OSM building for the 
> world. Must be the memory constraint since it is a lot of features. 
> This doesn’t happen (i think, am retesting now) if created from the 
> osm pbf file directly but does from the fgb created from the pbf.
Hum, it might be that the FGB reader is a bit gready in its memory usage 
then. Björn might be able to comment more
> Do either of the columnar formats (arrow, geoparquet) support spatial 
> access window selections yet (via ogr2ogr) or is that still forthcoming?

There is no spatial index specification for those formats (yet ? it 
isn't obvious how to stick one into them, in a clean and backward 
compatible way, but I believe this is a subject of research). So for now 
spatial filtering involves scanning all features geometries (there are a 
few optimizations to make it as efficient as possible, but you 
definitely won't get a great performance if repeatedly selecting small 
amounts of features with different extents)

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