[gdal-dev] Is there a way to put config options in a vrt?

michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 03:56:18 PST 2023

Is there a method to add gdal configuration options to a VRT so that they are carried around with it?

For example:
gdalbuildvrt openlandmap_dtm.vrt /vsis3/openlandmap/dtm/dtm.bareearth_ensemble_p10_30m_s_2018_go_epsg4326_v20230210.tif --config AWS_NO_SIGN_REQUEST YES --config AWS_S3_ENDPOINT s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com

works as those config options can be set at the command line or an env variables. But when the vrt is separated, it doesn’t. Is there a way to get them added to the vrt so those are applied at runtime?


Michael Smith
US Army Corps

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