[gdal-dev] layer.GetSpatialRef() fails on linux for shapefiles

Jonathan Moules jonathan-lists at lightpear.com
Thu Sep 21 05:34:51 PDT 2023

Yeah, I'm afraid the error message is pretty much non-existent:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    line 119, in get_layer_metadata
         tmp_projection = layer.GetSpatialRef()
    line 1990, in GetSpatialRef
         return _ogr.Layer_GetSpatialRef(self, *args)

Suggestions welcome.

On 18/09/2023 12:51, Javier Jimenez Shaw wrote:
> Hi Jonathan
> Which exact RuntimeError are you getting? It can be for several 
> reasons (probably an installation or configuration issue).
> Best,
> Javier
> On Mon, 18 Sept 2023 at 11:06, Jonathan Moules 
> <jonathan-lists at lightpear.com> wrote:
>     Hi List,
>     I'm trying to get vector layer information via OGR and Python:
>     ```
>     layer.GetSpatialRef()
>     ```
>     This works fine for me on Windows with GDAL 3.7.1 on various
>     different
>     types of files (Shapefile, GPKG, GML, KML, GDB).
>     But for my colleague on Ubuntu, also on GDAL 3.7.1 (via
>     Conda),
>     they get a Python RuntimeError for all shapefiles (the exact same
>     shapefiles that work fine for me). It works for Geopackages for them.
>     Anyone have any thoughts?
>     Thanks,
>     Jonathan
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