[gdal-dev] GeoTiff JXL sample format & bits per sample restrictions?

Meyer, Jesse R. (GSFC-618.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] jesse.r.meyer at nasa.gov
Fri Feb 9 06:31:49 PST 2024

We are trying to convert a 2 band int16 ZSTD compressed geotiff to JXL compression.  However for each band the following error message is given “ERROR 1: GetJXLDataType:Unsupported combination of SampleFormat and BitsPerSample”.

On GDAL 3.8.3, released 2024/01/04.  JXL v0.9.2

gdal_translate -ot int16 -co "COMPRESS=JXL" -co "NUM_THREADS=8" -co "TILED=YES" -co "SPARSE_OK=YES" -
co "INTERLEAVE=BAND" -co "JXL_LOSSLESS=YES" in.tif out_JXL.tif

The docs state an encode limitation for GDAL < 3.6 wrt interleave and band counts.  We’re not subject to that, unless there’s a bug, but I do wonder if we have nonetheless gone off the support path with band interleave with 2 bands?

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