[gdal-dev] Convert alpha to nodata?

Robert Coup robert.coup at koordinates.com
Mon Jan 22 05:26:46 PST 2024

Hi Even,

Thanks for your reply!

On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 at 17:32, Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>

> I can't think an easy way of doing what you want.

Is there a functional gap? *Conceptually* it feels to me like
VRTRasterBand.ComplexSource.UseMaskBand should "mark" a pixel to be
nodata-equivalent (NaN?), and then VRTRasterBand.NoDataValue should "write"
the nodata-marked pixels with the value.

<VRTDataset ...>
  <VRTRasterBand dataType="Int16" band="1">

But maybe that's not how it's modelled inside?

> Well, you can definitely do that using a VRT Python pixel function, that
> would essentially do your --calc expression

Thanks for confirming it's possible, I'll have a play.

>From what I can see the python pixel functions are only called once,
use numpy and (IIUC) vectorised CPU operations... would that make it
faster/comparable to one of the C pixel functions that's doing a naive
array loop over rows & columns?

> A nice exercice for (Pythonist) contributors would be to add a -f VRT
> capability to gdal_calc.py that would essentially automate the writing
> of such VRT using Python pixel functions. Just saying...

*adds to a long list of nice exercises*


Rob :)
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